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Tax planning services at Trood Pratt & Co.


Business consulting at Trood Pratt & Co.


Tax planning services at Trood Pratt & Co.


  • Trood Pratt conducts statutory audits to provide assurance on the accuracy and reliability of your financial statements, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

  • We offer a range of assurance services to enhance the credibility of your financial information, providing stakeholders with confidence in your financial reporting.

  • Our team performs due diligence for acquisitions, providing detailed analysis and insights to support informed decision-making during mergers and acquisitions.

  • We prepare statutory financial reports that comply with all regulatory requirements, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your financial reporting.

  • Trood Pratt conducts audits for not-for-profit organisations, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and providing assurance on financial statements.

  • We perform trust account audits to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, providing confidence in the management of trust funds.

  • Trood Pratt offers tailored audit solutions to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring comprehensive and effective audit services.

Business consulting at Trood Pratt & Co.



  • We assist businesses in developing strategic plans that align with their goals and market opportunities, ensuring long-term success.

  • Our consulting services provide expert advice on improving business processes, enhancing performance, and achieving sustainable growth.

  • Trood Pratt helps businesses transition to cloud accounting systems, improving accessibility, accuracy, and efficiency in financial management.

  • We offer performance management services to help businesses track, analyse, and improve their operational and financial performance.

  • Our team provides comprehensive management reporting services, delivering insights and analysis to support informed decision-making.

  • Trood Pratt assists businesses in preparing accurate budgets and forecasts, enabling better financial planning and resource allocation.

Tax planning services at Trood Pratt & Co.

Corporate Secretarial

Corporate Secretarial

  • Trood Pratt assists with all aspects of company registration, ensuring that your business is set up correctly and efficiently.

    We handle the paperwork and regulatory requirements to establish your company.

  • We ensure that your business meets all corporate secretarial compliance requirements, maintaining up-to-date records and adhering to statutory obligations.

  • Trood Pratt provides a registered office address service, allowing your business to use our address for official correspondence and regulatory purposes.

  • We maintain your company's statutory registers, ensuring that all records are accurate and up-to-date in compliance with legal requirements.

  • Our team prepares accurate and compliant minutes for your general meetings, ensuring all decisions and discussions are properly documented.

  • Our experts provide advisory services for company secretaries, offering guidance on best practices and compliance with corporate governance standards.