Privacy policy.

Trood Pratt & Co is committed to treating the personal information we collect in accordance with the The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Act).

This Privacy Policy sets out how Trood Pratt & Co in Australia handles personal information. It does not apply to personal information collected by Trood Pratt & Co that is exempted under the Privacy Act, for example employee records.

Trood Pratt & Co may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect its current privacy practices.

In this Privacy Policy, ‘Trood Pratt & Co’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ mean the company carrying on business under the name Trood Pratt & Co and includes any corporate entity owned or controlled by the Trood Pratt & Co company.

Personal information we collect:

The main types of personal information we collect includes names, contact and address details and job titles. In order to provide our services, we may also collect other personal information such as bank account details, shareholdings, details of investments and tax file numbers.

It may be necessary in some circumstances for Trood Pratt & Co to collect sensitive information about you, for example, your professional memberships, criminal record or health information. We will only collect sensitive information as permitted under the Privacy Act.

How we collect personal information:

Generally we collect your personal information from you directly (for example, when we deal with you in person or over the phone, when you send us correspondence or when you subscribe electronically to our publications), although sometimes it may be necessary for us to collect your personal information from a third party.

For example, we may collect your personal information from your personal representative or a publicly available record, amongst other sources. We may also collect personal information about you from your use of our websites and information you provide to us through contact mailboxes or through the registration process on our websites.

If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, you should only do so if you have their authority or consent to provide us with their personal information. You should also take reasonable steps to inform them of the matters set out in this Privacy Policy.

Use of personal information:

Trood Pratt & Co collects personal information for a number of purposes including:

  • To provide professional services

  • To respond to requests

  • To maintain contact with our clients and other contacts

  • To keep our clients and other contacts informed of our services, industry developments and to notify of seminars and other events

  • For administrative purposes

  • For recruitment purposes

  • For purposes related to the employment of our personnel, providing internal services to our partners and staff and for matters relating to the company

  • For the engagement of service providers, contractors or suppliers relating to the operation of our business, or

  • For other business related purposes.

Trood Pratt & Co may also use your personal information for the purpose of marketing its services. If you do not want to receive marketing material from us, you can contact us as detailed below or use the unsubscribe function on electronic communications or the notification function on other marketing material.

If you do not provide us with the personal information we have requested, we may not be able to complete or fulfil the purpose for which such information was collected, including providing our clients with the services we were engaged to perform.

Disclosure of personal information:

Trood Pratt & Co will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless:

  • As set out in this Privacy Policy

  • permitted by law

  • One or some of Trood Pratt & Co’ businesses is offered for sale, or

  • you consent.

If we do disclose personal information to third parties, we will do so in accordance with the purpose for which the personal information was collected, or a related or ancillary purpose. The types of third parties we may disclose your personal information to include:

  • Experts or other third parties contracted as part of an engagement

  • Our service providers

  • Our professional advisers; or

    If you are an employee, a contractor or supplier of services to a client, then we may disclose your personal information as part of providing services to that client.

We do not disclose personal information to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to send marketing material to you. However, we may share non personal, de-identified or aggregated information to them for research or promotional purposes.

Security and retention of personal information:

We take reasonable steps to protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and loss. We also take reasonable steps to protect it from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

The security measures we take include physical security measures (including security passes to enter our offices and storage of files in lockable cabinets), technology security measures (including restriction of access, firewalls, the use of encryption, passwords and digital certificates).

The personal information you provide to us will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected, as required by law or in accordance with our documentation retention policies.

Privacy on our website


“Cookies” (i.e. small text files placed on your computer when you first visit the site) are used on Trood Pratt & Co websites. Most browsers now recognise when a cookie is offered and permit you to refuse or accept it. If you are not sure whether your browser has this capability, you should check with the software manufacturer, your company’s technology help desk or your internet service provider.

Cookies are primarily used to enhance your online experience. If you visit our websites to read or download information, such as news stories or articles, much of the information we do collect is statistical only (e.g., the domain from which you access the internet, the date and time you access our site, and the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site) and not personally identifiable. We use this information about the number of visitors and their use of the sites in aggregate form to make our sites more useful and attractive to you.

Your choices:

You have several choices regarding your use of Trood Pratt & Co website. In general, you are not required to provide personal information when you visit our websites. However, if you apply to receive information about our services, events and industry updates or wish to apply for a job, we may require you to provide certain personal information.

Links to third party websites:

Trood Pratt & Co website may contain links to third parties’ websites. Those other websites are not subject to our privacy policies and procedures. You will need to review those websites directly to view a copy of their privacy policies.

Trood Pratt & Co does not endorse, approve or recommend the services or products provided on those third party websites.

Gaining access to personal information we hold

You can gain access to your personal information from Trood Pratt & Co on request in writing, subject to some limited exceptions permitted or required by law. The factors that affect your right to access your personal information include whether:

  • It is a frivolous or vexatious request.

  • The information relates to a commercially sensitive decision making process

  • access would be unlawful

  • Access would prejudice enforcement activities relating to criminal activities and other breaches of law, or

  • Denying access is required or authorised by or under law.

If Trood Pratt & Co denies you access, we will let you know the reason why access is denied.

Trood Pratt & Co may charge the reasonable costs of providing you with access to your personal information.

Keeping personal information current:

If you believe that any personal information Trood Pratt & Co has collected about you is inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date, please contact Trood Pratt & Co and we will take reasonable steps to correct it in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act.

How to contact us:

If you would like to access your personal information, have a query in relation to this Privacy Policy or would like to make a complaint about Trood Pratt & Co handling of your personal information, please contact:

Privacy Officer
Trood Pratt & Co
GPO Box 3437


Phone: 02 8224 8000